Tuesday, March 27, 2007

80 Milestones in Roman History

More from the list afficianado

Romulus and Remus found the Eternal City or was Rome built by the survivors of Troy?
Rome’s war with the Etruscans
End of Monarchy in Rome. Last King Tarquin Superbus.
Rome sacked by Gauls in 4th century BC.
War against the Sabines, Samnites and Greek colonists in Southern Italy. Rome becomes dominant power in Italian peninsula.
The Punic Wars (1st to 3rd)
Rome – masters of the West Mediterranean.
Victory over the Macedonians. Romans take Greece.
Formation of the Council of Plebs.
The Rise of the Senate.
Fall of Patrician Power.
The Reforms of the Gracchi brothers
Marius and the Growth of the Army.
Sulla’s dictatorship.
The Servile Wars
The Mithdratic Wars.
War in North Africa – Jugurthian Campaigns.
The First Triumvirate.
Pompey’s conquest in the Middle East.
Caesar’s Gallic Wars. Battle of Alesia.
Caesar invades Britain (twice) but cannot complete full conquest.
The Parthian campaigns.
Caesar’s victory over Pompey. End of Civil War. Famous Rubicon issue.
Caesar as a near dictator – Caesar’s reforms.
Death of Caesar.
The Second Triumvirate.
Defeat of Brutus and Cassius.
Octavian defeats Mark Anthony at Actium. Fall of Egypt.
Birth of the Empire.
The Roman Golden Age – Virgil, Ovid etc.
Formation of the Praetorian Guard.
Roman expansion halted by Goths.
Death of Augustus – Corrupt administration of Tiberius.
Death of Christ – Birth of Christianity.
Rule of Mad Emperor Caligula
Claudius – Uncle of Caligula comes to power. Romans finally conqueror Britain.
Death of Claudius. Rise of Nero.
Year of the Three Emperors
Great fire of Rome. Persecution of Christians.
Vespasian – a General comes to power
Destruction of Second Temple in Jerusalem
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Destruction of Pompey and Herculaneum.
Rule of Titus
Domitian the new Emperor – harsh rule.
Reforms of Nerva.
Empire reaches largest size under Trajan. Dacian campaigns.
Hadrian withdraws Roman forces from remote part of Empire.
Enlightened rule of Marcus Aurelius (philosopher Emperor), Antonius Pius and Septimus Severus – Part of the Five Good Emperors.
Empire under the control of Gladiator Emperor – Commodus.
Caracella’s building projects.
Caracella extends Roman citizenship.
Power in Rome under the manipulation of the Praetorian Guard.
Rule of Diocletian.
Period of Moral decay.
Splitting of Empire into East and West Division.
Constantine defeats Maxentius (Battle of Milvernian Bridge) to become most powerful figure in the Empire.
Building of the City of Constantinople.
Christian no longer forbidden.
Constantine becomes Christian on death bed.
Theodosius converts Empire to Christianity.
Empire under attack from Vandals and Visigoths.
Forces of Empire defeated at Adrianople.
War with the Persians/Parthians in the East.
Julian the Apostate tries to roll back the clock on Christianity.
Empire beset by inflation.
Practice of using Barbarians to defend Empire becomes more prevalent.
Romans defeat Huns – delaying fall of Empire in the West.
Ostrogoths overrun Italian Peninsula.
Fall of Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. Last Emperor Romulus Augustulus.
Eastern Roman Empire survives as Byzantine Empire.
Eastern Empire under siege loses territory.
Rule of Justinian. Byzantine Empire bounces back. Defeats Vandals in North Africa.
Justinian implements code of law.
Death of Justinian. Arab advances against Byzantine.
Victory over Arab forces in 717 AD saves Eastern Europe temporarily from Arab advance.
Resurgence of East under Basil II.
Seljuk Turks encroach on Byzantine territory.
Latin kingdom formed in Constantinople by 4th Crusade.
Macedonians replace Latin dynasty as power in Constantinople.
Fall of Constantinople in 1453 to Turks under Mehmet II. End of Eastern Roman Empire.

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