Saturday, November 7, 2020

Thoughts on the 2020 US Elections.

Pending challenges in the court it doesn't look good for Trump. Joe Biden will likely be President. Trump though shouldn't concede until the courts have looked at this. That is imperative. If there are irregularities then they must be addressed. Further investigations will likely be needed. If it takes a month or more so be it. Without an election system built on integrity the results are not meaningful.

However on the whole this was a great election for the GOP. They will likely hold the Senate and have flipped several seats in the House. 2022 could see both Chambers of Congress under GOP control. They also did well in many state legislature fights.
As it stands now the Senate can push back on proposals for court packing and tax increases. They can also curb the excesses of the Progressive Agenda (and there are many). The importance of having ACB on SCOTUS looks great now. Kudos to McConnell for cementing the originalist stake and doing what had to be done.
Trump actually did very well. He won almost 71 million votes or just less than 8 million more than 2016 (so much for the shrinking base hypothesis). The GOP outperformed polls literally everywhere and seemed to have reversed negative trends in Florida and Texas.
His performance with African-American and Latino voters showed a marked improvement and if the trend continues provides a gateway for the new GOP to eat away at these key Democratic voting blocs. The fight against the toxicity of identity politics has been upped a level. It must continue. Well done California for rejecting Racial Quotas that are so beloved by many progressives.
The elites threw everything at Trump to barely squeak a victory that looms under a cloud of ill-gotten gains. This after four years of trying to negate his presidency at almost every level by utilizing virtually every trick in the book from a collusion hoax to a a giant Impeachment scam. The essence of the sycophant media as an extension of the Democratic Party establishment has been laid bare.
If anything this election re-energized the party and made the case for individualism over collectivism. It was a great statement by the people.

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