Monday, November 9, 2020

More on the US election

do believe that a court challenge is necessary not because I am under the impression that Trump can turn this around (it is very unlikely but not impossible) - but their needs to be legal safeguards guaranteeing the integrity of future elections. The US is the pivot in the framework of Western Civilization in the contemporary and it cannot allow its democratic procedure at the highest level to succumb to banana republic shenanigans. I will accept any fair election results as the voice of the people but tampering is a slap in the face of the populace and there are many examples emerging now that point to this. These have to be investigated.

The MSM is predictably gas lighting this which shows how far they have slipped. Honest Democrats should welcome these investigations. Unfortunately I am seeing very little of this right now. I get it you loathe Trump but if the shoe was on the other foot you would be screeching to all hell. Lecturing everyone else to accept the results when one refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Trump Presidency for four years is pure hypocrisy. Remember what goes around comes around. This can work both ways. It shouldn't be allowed to happen at all.

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