Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dropping Biden

Will the Dems axe Biden? I think that such an outcome is looking more plausible by the day. It is clear to anyone outside the partisan chamber that he has some degree of cognitive decline. Add to that the Tara Reade scandal (which isn't going away) and the mounting evidence pointing to the abuse of power by the Obama Administration, in the dying days of its term of office and Biden is looking incredibly vulnerable.
In my mind two options exist - replace Old Joe with a stronger candidate (maybe Newsom , Cuomo, Inslee or Hillary Clinton - good grief) or try and push Biden over the finish with the aid of a popular VP choice (Michelle Obama may be useful here ...he has already indicated that he wants a woman after all. Harris, Warren and Whitmer are poorer options).
Each pathway has its problems. Option 1 essentially nullifies the Primary results and in short course gives the finger to all of the party faithful who opted for other candidates (not to mention the Biden faithful). It is on a level an admission of failure.The Bros will have their predictable melt down before they are corralled back into the fold.
Option 2 is slightly more realistic (in that it has greater precedence) but that will still open up Biden and his many faults to the electorate. You need standards and they shouldn't be double. The VP choice would have to rise above the fray and it won't be easy.
A loss here means four years of DJT and the Dem Establishment is running out of ammo against Orange Man Bad. Within such a context the tough but pragmatic choice of sinking the 'pilot' certainly seems viable.

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