Monday, May 4, 2020

COVID-19 Questions

From the top of my head.....20 Questions about COVID-19 that are worth thinking about. 

1.How is it that the Japanese death numbers are so low considering they have run a measly 1.5K tests per million?
2.What is the true death toll in Iran? Numbers here seem way under reported and are not consistent with 
high population densities and the low level of testing that the country officially reports.
3. Even with a strong lockdown why isn't the community spread in India larger? Is the strain of virus weaker on the sub-continent? Are deaths being overwhelmed by other comorbidities so that they are not registering as significant? The same point applies to Pakistan
4.Why does Portugal have so small a COVID outbreak in relation to its Iberian neighbour Spain?
5. How far along are the Swedes in their limited lockdown with respect to Total infections? Is Stockholm half way to herd immunity?
6. Are the Russians under reporting their numbers or are they just further behind in the COVID surge?
7. What really is the true Chinese death toll?
8. What is the true infection rate globally or locally? How accurate is the WHO estimate from one week ago that it is 2%?
9. Why does the disease have such an astonishingly low lethality in Singapore? Less than 0.1% of Official cases...way less than that if you include unofficial case estimates. The same can be said of Hong Kong and Taiwan.
10. What is the ratio of asymptomatic to symptomatic in the infected pool?
11. What are we locking down until? In most Western countries it does not seem to be a resource issue anymore.
12.What is the effect of warmer temperatures on this virus? Could it help explain the Australian success?
13. What is the impact of Vitamin-D deficiency on COVID lethality rates for those with darker skins living in cooler climates?
14. Has New Zealand really 'eliminated' the virus in their country or are they jumping ahead of themselves?
15. Why have Michigan and Pennsylvania not upped their testing rates faster considering they have been very hard hit?
16.People talk about contact tracing but how is that even possible in cities like New York or Chicago?
17.Why are the recovered rates on the official data so variable and inconsistent?
18. How does the data reported for each country differentiate those who die from COVID as opposed to those died from other issues but had the virus at the time of death?
19.Why does Belgium have such a ridiculously high death rate? Why is this double that of their Dutch neighbours?
20. Why are testing levels so relatively low in France (death rates aren't)? They have one of the most sophisticated medical systems out there after all.

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