Thursday, April 16, 2020

Staggered Opening is obvious.

The COVID-19 infection is heavily weighted toward the Tri-State Area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut). The trio are officially numbers 1, 2 and 3 with respect to deaths per million and account for close to 55% of all deaths in the US. Other hotspots nationwide are Michigan (Detroit area), Louisiana (around New Orleans), Boston and the District of Colombia. Washington state has high numbers but seems further ahead of the curve than the rest of the US (Seattle was ground zero for the American outbreak).
A targeted US strategy for opening up the economy will likely be implemented in stages with these hotspots slated for the final phase. In a country as large as the US( pop. 328.4 million) there may be no other way to relax the lockdown and social distancing constraints unless a regional specific timeline is followed.
Canada may have to adopt a similar approach. BC for one looks to be further ahead in the COVID-19 death curve than the rest of the country. Same is true with Alberta.

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