Tuesday, April 28, 2020


IRC claims that as many as one billion may be infected with COVID
I am somewhat skeptical of these longer term projection models. In this one though the International Rescue Committee (IRC) claims that up to 1 billion people may become infected in 34 'fragile' countries (check article for the list of countries). What is worth noting though is they seem confident in using the low 0.3% lethality figure to reach their conclusion that up to 3.2 million people could die.
IRC Report

JAMA study points to very high asymptomatic number
This is a very interesting study. The details are outlined in JAMA. It looked at a homeless population in a Boston Shelter.
408 tested for COVID-19.
147 tested positive for the Antigen test (36% positivity rate)
87.8% of positives were asymptomatic.
This again provides further evidence that official COVID infection rates in the general population are probably eight to ten times the number officially reported.Remember those who are asymptomatic rarely test at COVID centers

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