Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why should we not blame NZ mosques' attack on Sam Harris, Bill Maher and Douglas Murray?

My answer on Quora.

am Harris, Bill Maher and Douglas Murray have never once advocated shooting up a mosque. Nor do they encourage any violence towards Muslims. They do take issue with the philosophy of Islamism itself, which is understandable in light of the vast amount of terrorism that has been carried out in the name of the Armed Jihad.
In addition all three of these figures (who are atheists) actually support the right of individual Muslims to follow their religion (within a context that is consistent with the nation’s laws ). While they don’t agree with the central tenants of the belief system they don’t object to peaceful practice.
This was not the case with the shooter who was acting based on individual agency with the sole intent of catalyzing a broader conflict. Others have read what he has read and have not acted as such.
No, the fault of the killing lies completely with the shooter alone. He made the choice to commit violence and acted on it.

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