Saturday, March 9, 2019

Why did 23 GOP members vote against the bill that condemns anti-Semitism?

I answered this on Quora.

hey voted against the Resolution as it is watered down sham masquerading as a feel good statement. It has nothing to do with antisemitism and everything to do about offering cover to those that regularly engage in antisemitism.
You see the Democratic Party has an antisemitism problem. However it is loathe to admit it as Jewish voters have largely supported the Party, but the problem has existed for some time and has become much more open as of late.
Representative Ilhan Omar, with her remarks on the power of the ‘Benjamins’ and now the insinuations of Jewish dual loyalty (a very old Anti-Semitic trope) is the most obvious example. However she is not the only one to swim in these waters.
Rashida Tlaib’s ‘They forgot what country they represent’ remark hit another low point.Rep. Tlaib uses anti-Semitic line to attack Republicans' pro-Israel bill |
Dig a little further and you will see that it goes even deeper than this. Well documented antisemite Louis Farrakhan regularly meets with the key players in the Congressional Black Caucus Raw Video of Farrakhan and Maxine Waters Leaks, Leaves Her in Difficult Position.
You may of course remember Farrakhan from these classics.
The Jews have control over those agencies of government. When you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.”Saviour’s Day Speech, 2/25/18
"I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government...Yes, they exercise extraordinary control, and Black people will never be free in this country until they are free of that kind of control...Meet The Press interview, 4/14/97
Source of Quotes: In His Own Words
Now he has been denounced and one would suspect that the above type of statement would not be repeated but apparently that is not the case. Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan delivers anti-Semitic speech.
Then again maybe he doesn’t have to. After all he can still share the podium with such Democratic Party luminaries as Bill Clinton and Jessie Jackson.
When we cut down to it, the reason is obvious. Farrakhan has a great deal of sway within the party. He speaks to a key contingent which buys him a pass with the establishment.
Take a look at this.
Barack Obama and Louis Farrakhan posing together. Source: Hidden photo of Obama and Farrakhan released in new book
This picture was apparently suppressed ahead of the 2008 election. Could this long-lost photo have derailed Obama’s 2008 campaign?
It is for this reason as well that James Clayburn, now the House Majority Whip, met with Farrakhan in 2011. Ranking House Democrat Stood On Stage With Farrakhan in 2011.
Clayburn of course was rightly denounced by Nikki Haley for his recently articulated insensitive remarks directed at the children of Holocaust survivors. These of course were initiated in defense of…guess who?…Ilhan Omar. Somehow she needed defending and Clayburn took up the fight. How noble of him.
Now all of this does not mean that the average Democratic Party voter is an antisemite. They are not.
However it does open up some questions (some old and some new)
  • Why is a vile character like Louis Farrakhan not persona non-grata with anyone associated with the Democratic Party? The same can be said of Al Sharpton (he of the Crown Heights riot fame) who was courted by Barack Obama not once but 85 times. GOP Wisconsin House member on Sharpton at White House.
  • Why is llhan Omar still on the prestigious United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs considering her obvious hostility to Jews?
  • How long is the party going to continue to cover for Omar? Enough with the excuses.
  • And Most importantly…..Why was this particular Resolution watered down when its original intention was to specifically condemn antisemitism? It was not supposed to be conflated with a smorgasbord of other broader topics. However this is exactly what happened.
Now some believe that the party is fighting for its soul. The fight over Rep. Ilhan Omar exposed deep divisions in the Democratic caucus. Certainly Linda Sarsour, another figure who often stokes the antisemitic flames, knows where she stands. Women's March leader blasts 'white feminist' Nancy Pelosi for Ilhan Omar condemnation
This may be the case but there is clearly something rotten within the Democratic caucus and if the party cannot purge itself of this bile then the odds will be high that it could evolve into an American version of the British Labour Party. This would be an an utterly despicable outcome. Among Britain's Anti-Semites | Harper's Magazine
Additional Sources

1 comment:

An eye opener said...

Radical Farrakhan-nists and Fee-Palestine bigots:
Do Brown Black Lives matter...if they're Israelis?


Since color has become a language somehow, and anti Israel bigots distort, then let's remind, most Israelis are "brown," in terms of stats. You have also many Ethiopian Jews.

No wonder the propagandists will never show democratic multiracial Israel in day to day lives.

Or elaborate on anti-black racism in the Goliath Arab world. Though all non Arabs have been through racism in that world.


But of course Israeli security concerns are just that. Unrelated to any "color" or "race." Actually, speaking of racism, yes, Arab Muslim attackers target only Jews. Talk about real racism.


True, hijacking of term 'it's racism," is as old as Palestine propaganda emerged by holocaust denier Issa Nakhleh who began in June-17-1949 the "like the Nazis and worse than nazis" line (and by Nov-14-1972 said all 6,000,000 were alive and Hitler "didn't" kill, and represented 'Muslim Congress' at Holocaust deniers convention in 1981), then picked up in 1960 by Nazi Tacuara saluter Ahmad Shukairy who by Oct-17-1961 added that garbage-touch apartheid slur too and questioned Catholic Uruguayan rep. Enrique Fabregat's loyalty, stating because he's (supposedly) a Jew. And both, of course were Hitler's ally ex-mufti Islamic leader al-Husseini avid fans. With Shukairy his aide.

Speaking of ex Mufti's admirers... Sufi Abdul Hamid, infamous 'Black Hitler' in NY who called to drive out Italians and Jews in the 1929-30, was also his admirer.


One might begin to argue there is such a thing as "pro Palestine", (only) when Farrakhan linked Ilhan Omar / Linda Sarsour / Rashida Tlaib will have a routine of decrying Arab Muslim suffering when it's not in context of Israel (who has been facing existential threat ever since) but suffering when by Arab Muslim entities. One would then hear about a real en-masse massacre. Such as hundreds of thousands in Syria, current example. And if they begin to do anything along the line, then no lip service please. But with that same "passion" as in fake "sympathy" played at the 'other' case.

The absentee reason is clear. Self explanatory. Because pro Palestine is a cover for anti Israel and often anti ALL Jews.

A note re L Farrakhan, that guy with his "blue eyes are the devil," when he uttered his "termites" venom, his genocidal hint was clear under the veil. For more about Dehumanization in radical Islamic Arab or even mainstream racist "Palestinian" education and sermons, search for "apes and pigs, Palestinians". Or see PalWatch and MEMRI.