Thursday, March 15, 2018

Personal Reflection XIV - Globalism

  1. Globalism is a worldview that frames political action against the backdrop of an international framework.
  2. In a sense it differentiates itself from the pluralism of the nation state and sees this broader dynamic as offering more utility.
  3. Globalist thinking is either left or right focused and diversifies to some extent over the dimension of economics and the authoritarian footprint.
  4. Right globalists focus largely on trade and the universality of a market system that is functionally unbounded. Trade is seen as driver to lessen what ills.
  5. Left globalists are energized towards the elimination of inequalities. Populations are functionally unbounded.
  6. Right globalism has its origin in classical liberal thought and can be back dated to the 18th century. However it is important to note that not all classic liberals are right globalists.
  7. Left globalism stems from International Socialism and Trotskyism. Just like the right side of the equation not all those that identify with the left are globalists.
  8. Right globalist thinking tends to have a slight advantage economically at this point in human history which is largely a function of a failure of the economic models advocated by the left. Its larger influence is carried through a corporate vehicle.
  9. However Left globalism dominates on the social level.
  10. Although rooted in a common international focus left and right globalism represent a thesis/antithesis that has emerged today in a synthesis known as modern globalism.
  11. Modern globalism combines both types. The degree of which defines the political grouping along a left-right axis. Very few established parties adhere to these polar extremes with a rigid purity. However
  12. The United Nations and the various trade blocs such as the EU, ASEAN etc. are political fulfilments of the modern globalist drive whose directionality is toward a type of internationalism that seeks to transcend the nation state with these broader groupings.
  13. Empirical justification for such a focus centers on the idea that global problems can only be solved by international movements that extend beyond the divisions of old. The nation state all too often is seen as such a divisionary construct.
  14. The definition of the global problem differs based on the left/right bias of the political grouping.
  15. Globalist initiatives are advanced through the mechanism of crisis. The world must be viewed through the eyes of an impending crisis that only globalist action can resolve.
  16. Barriers to the free flow of money, environmental degradation, war between nation states are examples of some of these crises. Many of which have been overstated.
  17.  However this serves a purpose – the idea that massive change is necessary and that only a globalist approach catalyzed by knowledgeable others can drive this change. Crisis is equivalent to opportunity.
  18. Globalism has momentum on its side. It lends itself well to dissemination by technology, has the appearance of forward mobility and can adequately deflect to a perception of the natural flow of history. It is indeed a powerful force.
  19. Nevertheless globalists have not had it their own way. Resistance from various pluralisms and nationalisms has been strong enough that globalists, are forced to adapt a methodology of confrontation.
  20. This involves marginalization of the other and strategic attacks on the pre-existing structures.
  21. One such plan of action is the use of diversity politics. While diversity as a maxim should  function in  the strengthening of a plethora of opinions, it is used by globalists in the context of race and class as a battering ram against the values that define the traditional nation.
  22. In doing so the diversity initiative takes on the role of Identity politics that serves to subjugate an individual’s identity to that of the collective.
  23. The collective is then set against the other. The other being the obstacle to the social will of the Identity Group. By forming coalitions of Identity groups, left globalists seek to weaken the traditional system thus making it more amenable to the necessary change. Part of this is to paint traditionalism with a reactionary brush.
  24.  However such thinking exists not only among left globalists. Identity politics have impacted the corporate world and in doing so exerts an influence over right globalist thinking.
  25. This influence will likely grow over time as right globalists have either internalized the diversity rhetoric or refuse to counter it with the necessary intellectual argument. In doing so they have unfortunately abdicated much of the classic liberal tradition that sits outside of the singular locale of economics.

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