Friday, March 16, 2018

Western History 80: What was the Renaissance?

The Renaissance (or rebirth/revival) was a period in European history that spans the time between the 14th and 17th century. It follows on from the end of the Middle Ages and is often regarded as the first stage in Modern history. As a movement the Renaissance largely began in Italy (particularly Tuscany) from where it spread to the rest of the continent. The period as a whole is known for a passionate renewal on the legacy of Classical Greece that in turn would cultivate a vital stimulus in philosophy, art, literature and science.

Key factors that impacted the Renaissance were

·         Rebirth in learning driven by such figures as the Italian Poet Petrarch in the Fourteenth century – fondness for classical works;
·         Introduction of classical texts brought to Europe by merchants following the Fall of Constantinople (1453);
·         Development of the Printing Press by the German Johannes Gutenberg (1440);
·         Patronage of the Arts by such families as the de Medici and Sforza;
·         Survivors of the Black Plague enjoyed more wealth as workers as a consequence of a short of labour - this would have a ripple effect across the economy;
·         The political dynamic and the vibrancy of several of the Italian city states;
·         Rise of Humanism and a more evident meritocracy in government bureaucracies;
·         The Scientific Revolution – the collapse of geo-centrism and the rise of both empiricism and inductive reasoning as methodologies for understanding the world.

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