Saturday, March 24, 2018

Western History 81: What were some of the key dates in the Age of Exploration?

Exploratory sea voyages undertaken to fulfill political, strategic and trade drives were a key component of the Renaissance Period. Much of the initial intention of these voyages was set in the desire to secure a new trade rote to East to both India and China) following the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans. The Portuguese with the enthusiastic royal Henry the Navigator at their helm were the initial trendsetters in the Age of Exploration but there were followed soon and later eclipsed by the Spanish, Dutch, French and English.
Many of these powers often made use of mercenary explorers of Italian origin (particularly Genoese).

Key Dates in the Age of Exploration up until 1542

Early 15th century – Henry the Navigator, Duke of Viseu, initiates and funds the Portuguese Exploration drive. Henry’s explorers will sail to the Canary Islands, Madeira, the Azores and West Africa

1456 – Diego Gomes reaches the Cape Verde Islands

1482 – Diego Cao explores the Congo River. Cao will continue to modern day Namibia (1486)

1488 – Bartolomeu Dias rounds the Southern Tip of Africa (sails past Cape of Storms).

1492 – Italian Christopher Columbus, Sailing on behalf of the Spanish Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella, reaches the Islands of San Salvador (Bahamas) and Hispaniola (which contains the Dominican Republic). Columbus would sail on three further voyages to the Caribbean in search of an alternative route to India.

1494 – Treaty of Tordesillas divides the Americas between a Portuguese and Spanish sphere of influence.

1497- John Cabot, an Italian working for the English monarchy reaches the coast of Newfoundland.

1497 – Vasco Da Gama reaches India after rounding the Cape of Good Hope.

1499-1502 – The Real brothers Gaspar and Miguel) explore the coast of Greenland and Newfoundland.

1499-1502 – Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci (after whom America was named)  explore South America (around Guyana). Vespucci finds the mouth of the Amazon.

1500 – Pedro Cabral explores Brazilian coast as does Bartolomeu Dias and Nicolau Coelho.

1503 – French explorer Binot Paulmier de Gonneville explores Southern coast of Brazil.

1511-1512 – Joao de Lisboa reaches the River Plate

1511 -1513 – Exploration in the East by Afonso de Albuquerque (Malacca), Jorge Alvares (China). Trade monopoly set up by Portuguese in and around Persian Gulf.

1513 – Vasco de Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean.

1519 – Ferdinand Magellan explorers several South American river systems and discovers Straits of Magellan. Killed in the Philippines in 1421. Crew completes first global circumnavigation.

1524 – Giovanni de Verrazzano an Italian sailing on behalf of the King of France explorers the Atlantic Coast of North America.

1534-1536 – Jacques Cartier goes inland into North America describes the St Lawrence and names Canada.

1542 – Joao Cabrilo reaches San Diego Bay. Explores Oregon Coast.

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