Thursday, October 8, 2020

On the Difference between Judaism and Islam

 I have often been asked about this. Here are twelve differences.

  1. Judaism is based on the People Wide Revelation at Mt. Sinai. Islam sees revelation through a single individual - the Prophet Muhammad (via the archangel Jibril).
  2. Islam sees itself as a replacement theology (based on a newer revelation) of Judaism and Christianity. Judaism sees no reason for a replacement theology.
  3. The Jewish dietary Laws of Kashrut are stricter than Islam’s Halal equivalents.
  4. Islam’s chief book is the Koran supplemented by the Hadiths and Sunnahs. Judaism has the Five Books of Moses (Torah), the Writings, Prophets and Oral Laws (Tradition of the Mishna/Talmud).
  5. Alcohol is not forbidden in Judaism (although drinking to excess is). In Islam Alcohol is strictly forbidden.
  6. One cannot have more than one wife in Judaism (although this was clearly not the case in biblical times).In Islam you can although the vast majority of Muslims don’t.
  7. Judaism sees the Abrahamic tradition passing through Isaac. Islam sees Ishmael as the carrier of such a tradition.
  8. Islam’s chief holy cities are Mecca and Medina. Jerusalem is the chief holy city for Judaism. Muslims face Mecca when they pray. Jews face Jerusalem.
  9. Islam believes in proselytizing. Judaism does not.
  10. There is a greater emphasis on submission to God (Allah) in Islam. In Judaism you are encouraged to wrestle with God.
  11. The 613 Mitzvot are central to Judaism. Islam has its Five Pillars of Wisdom.
  12. Judaism is a 3500 year old religion. Islam is about 1400 years old.

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