Thursday, August 6, 2020

Has Trump ruined his chances with his latest Axios interview?

It was a terrible interview for the President. He stumbled several times and looked ill-prepared. From a GOP perspective his performance here was disturbing. A great deal of the blame resides with his Press team who clearly dropped the ball. They really need to get their act together and ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
Having said that though I am not convinced that this will negatively impact his re-election chances. They certainly won’t improve them with a neutral outcome looking to be the most likely prognosis.
For one we are still three months out from the election which in political terms is the relative equivalent of a geological age. So much can happen in between now and November and memories are notoriously short. We still await the conventions and the debates (if they ever happen) for one.
In addition the vast amount of Americans have already made up their opinions with respect to the President and are unlikely to have their political inertia challenged by an interview which is already receding into the news cycle.
There are far bigger issues facing the nation with respect to the economy, the COVID-19 crisis and the ongoing violence that are looming much larger. People want answers.
If Trump can maintain a focus on these fronts ans show prudent and decisive leadership in the next 12 weeks then he will be re-elected. He is not facing a particularly strong challenge. If he fails to do so, one will see a Biden presidency.

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