Sunday, August 9, 2020

COVID-19 is causing a breakdown in human relations.

I am convinced that COVID-19 is making people's actions worse not better. People have been attacked and abused for not wearing masks in an outdoor setting. Others have reacted harshly to wearing masks in a closed designated area. There are busybodies everywhere.
Just recently I was told off by somebody, whom I have known for thirty years, for not agreeing with her evaluation of the COVID-19 situation in the US. She actually told me that she wanted my family to suffer. I am still shocked.
Friends of mine have been cursed for having the temerity to ask questions about the impact on the economy. To some anything short of a full lockdown is the equivalent to aiding a mass genocide and they will tell you, with no shortage of self righteous indignation, how they feel. They are holier than most.
The media has been posting bucket loads of fear porn and people have been absorbing much of this unsubstantiated nonsense like gospel. This fear is causing a madness of the crowd and the news cycle has been fueling these distorted narratives for some time. Logic, reason and rational thought has been sacrificed to panic and we will be the worse for it.
There was a time in March when I thought this scourge would all bring us together but it didn't last. The same old divisions that existed before erupted immediately. My mistake is that I forgot, that this was an election year. I should have seen this with the first meme listing the '10 ways that Trump is to blame'.The same old would prevail but it would be multiplied.
It is all so disappointing.I really wish it were different. So do many I suspect. We will beat this damn virus as a species (of that I have no doubt) but the impact on our collective culture may take much longer to heal. I actually am not sure it ever will.

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