Saturday, February 9, 2019

Is Bill Maher right about anything?

My answer on Quora.

He is right about several factors and I say this as somebody who is a Classical Liberal not a Modern liberal/progressive.
Now there is a lot that I don’t like about Maher. He still sees the world in a purely GOP v Dem dichotomy and when push comes to shove is very much a partisan hack. This shows itself in a tendency to mimic the low resolution MSM talking points of the day, all too often falling into the Stawman trap (which he seems oblivious to).
Maher also relies too much on humor to make a point and does not delve any deeper than one or two inches into an issue. He has a knack to oversimplify for a quick laugh making his standard routine rapidly tiresome.
In addition he has a tendency to endorse medical quackery that is suspect at best.
However he is far better than a stopped watch. This is what he gets correct.
  1. He understands the danger of Islamism as a political movement and is also not afraid to call out the Armed Jihad for what it is.
  2. Maher also appreciates that fundamentalism in Islam is a more serious problem than it is in other religions.
  3. For the most part he is a champion of Freedom of Speech and disdains censorship.
  4. He admits freely that university campuses have become toxic environments for discussing controversial issues and is not afraid to point this out.
  5. He has no qualms about inviting Conservatives on his show for debate. He is also respectful to his guests (when he is not interrupting them).
  6. Maher supports Israel’s right to defend itself and seems to appreciate the dangers it faces.
  7. He understands how the Democratic Party repeatedly ‘shoots itself in the foot by pandering to its more radical elements.
and finally he admitted that he goofed by endorsing Ralph Nader in 2000.
So yes…he has his pros and cons. I cut him some slack as he is a comedian and in the grand calculus is not a complete loss.

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