Saturday, February 9, 2019

Can Elizabeth Warren win the Presidency?

My answer on Quora.

I very much doubt it. Here are the top eight reasons ‘why’ in my opinion.
  1. She has a very narrow appeal outside Progressive circles. A broad appeal is needed to win the National Election.
  2. There are more likable candidates on the Progressive end of the Dem Ticket eg. O’Rourke, Sanders, Harris etc.
  3. Her brand has been damaged by the ‘Pocahontas 1/1024’ saga….big time.
  4. Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand will likely market the first Female POTUS angle better.
  5. She is not a charismatic speaker. It does matter.
  6. Her brand does not seem transferable to the non-White voting base that is essential in winning the Dem. nomination. Booker and Harris are far stronger here.
  7. Her age may be off putting…yes it worked for Sanders…but he could play the old uncle schtick better. Warren has very little traction here.
  8. Most importantly….her political positions are far to the left of the American electorate. Not a great place to position oneself.

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