Monday, September 25, 2017

Western History 39: How did the Early Roman Republic expand?

The early Roman Republic warred heavily with its Etruscan rivals with the latter eventually acquiescing in the 4th century BC (the fall of Veii). The Republic grew from its local position in the Latium to eventual domination of all of Italy. The Latin States, the Samnites (in three wars), the Volsci and the Greek colonies would all succumb to the might of the Romans.

The Romans would also secure victory against a league of Greek States that included Epirus and Syracuse in the Pyrrhic War (280-275 BC). However not all these advances occurred without setback. In 390 BC the Gauls sacked Rome and the city was inflicted with civil unrest. There is a belief that this period coincided with a time of anarchy (although the extent of the anarchy is still very much in dispute).

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