Saturday, September 16, 2017

Personal Reflection II: An important Letter from the Future to the Past

Dear Art School Admissions Committee
I am writing to you from a future that has witnessed the most destructive war in the history of humanity - World War Two (1939-1945). The chief driver in the European Front of this war was an individual who is currently applying to your art school. His name is Adolph Hitler. While I understand that his work may not be up to the high levels that you demand the consequence of you rejecting him will likely set in motion a series of events which will culminate in the death of tens of million people worldwide and an untold magnitude of destruction.
Hitler is a great orator but he is a tormented soul (which will be further embittered by a rejection from your school). He will take his gift of speaking to the beer halls and streets fermenting a hatred that will transform into a powerful movement known as the National Socialist Workers Party (Nazi). In a deteriorating economy the Nazis will gain enough of the popular vote to take power in Germany and then using the mechanism of government will transform the country into a Totalitarian State that will crush dissent, imprison critics, ban unions and implement a policy of racial genocide based on pseudo-scientific and race directed reasoning.
His desire to obtain Lebensraum will force Germany into an unnecessary war that will devastate your country and indirectly lead to the strengthening of another totalitarian system in Europe (Marxist-Leninism) that will further crush individual freedom for years to come.
You have within you the power to stop this train wreck of events by admitting Herr Hitler to your school, allow him to focus his energy on his art, sooth his soul (or at the very least try) and perhaps save Europe and the rest of the world a bloodshed of unparalled intensity.
Please consider his application very carefully in this regard. As proof of my future presence I include an old Iphone, a piece of technology that people in the year 2016 use to communicate with.
Thank You
Yours faithfully
Gavin Kanowitz (one of the lucky ones)

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