Sunday, September 1, 2024

Reflections I - Politics

Some thoughts...

When key institutions become compromised so that nepotism and favoritism dominates over competency then the onset for civilization decline  and possible collapse follow shortly. No system no matter how strong its original foundations are can survive continuous governance by those who are inept and malevolent.

The communist seeks to restructure society on the backbone of ignorance. However this is a particular kind of stupidity - One that brings together an untried idealism with an inability to questions starting assumptions. Self Reflection is eschewed as a toxicity.

The strategy of any political campaign is to capture the vote by emphasizing the insignificant.  Complexity of policy is anathema to any campaign which is why it is rarely addressed by the candidates.

 There are only half truths and lies in political rhetoric. The challenge of a voter is to separate the one from the other.

 The primary function of the state is to grow itself. This is often at odds with the need to enact meaningful policy that will address an issue. An extended bureaucracy serves the former while creating an illusion of necessary progress.

 Within time every government moves towards fascism for all are controlled by elites who survive off either private or public corporations.

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