Sunday, September 15, 2024

Reflection V - Human Foibles

One only realizes how timid humanity is when you choose to take a singular stand against a universally acknowledged but popular bad idea.

Toleration in and of itself is not a virtue. In fact it can often be a vice. The distinction is highly context dependent. The worship of toleration in and of itself is an error both philosophically and ultimately morally.

 History cannot be reduced to a series of equations for it is the story of humanity, whose actions are often unpredictable and illogical.

 There is a natural tendency for humans to minimize their work and thought load which is why complex concepts are likely to be oversimplified to the point of being unintelligible.

 To a fool, everything they don’t want to believe in is a lie for a fool is one hundred percent committed to their own truth.

 It astounds me as to how many people feel that they know how G-d works when in reality they are just hedging their bets on different guesses.


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