Monday, June 24, 2024

Why couldn't Charles X remain as king of France?

 My answer on Quora.

He was too much of an absolutist in his thinking and was strongly opposed to constitutional monarchy. Charles was a reactionary throwback to the Ancien Regime who sought to turn back the clock to the pre-Revolution period. He fell afoul of the dominant force of Liberalism and was eventually overthrown in the July Revolution of 1830 that saw Louis Philippe (the Citizen King) come to power. Charles does have the distinction of being the last member of the senior Bourbons to hold sway in France. Louis Philippe was associated with the Bourbon-Orléanist line and would reign until 1848

Saturday, June 8, 2024

When did Russia become more powerful than the other European countries?

 (Asked on Quora)

Russia was never the most powerful European country prior to 1945. In the post World War II era the Soviet Union was stronger militarily than any other European country. This was a consequence of its gains territorial gains during World War Two, its armed forces expenditure and its Nuclear Program. Contemporary Russia still enjoys the nuclear advantage, but is in obvious decline economically and judging by the performance of its forces in the Ukraine the same can be said of its military prowess.

Why hasn't the US won a war since WWII?

 (Asked on Quora)

 War is not a sporting event counted in simple wins and losses. The Korean War may have ended in a stalemate on a territorial level but the US (as the main force in the UN alliance) did prevent South Korea from going Communist and becoming an extension of the North.

It also drove the Iraqis from Kuwait (1990–1991) and overthrew Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. While much of this came at a cost I would argue that there were substantial wins here. One could add the Cold War as a US led win for economic and personal freedom over a dire ideological alternative.

Not all wins come wrapped up in a bow tie with a ticker tape parade.

Can Science explain everything?

 The various versions of the scientific method are the best tools that we have in understanding how the material world works. In its ideal practice it combines rational thought with the necessity of acquiring empirical evidence. This underpins a self corrective methodology that is evidence driven.

Since we are part of the material world its utility in helping us navigate the challenges of our world provides for explanations that are beneficial and pragmatic on a go forward basis.

The second question has more to do with the level of uncertainty we as individuals are willing to live with. This varies subjectively.

Do Classic Liberals support Laissez Faire Capitalism?

 Classical or Authentic liberals value the market as a dynamic tool that provides informative and timely feedback on supply and demand forces. This is conveyed through the very efficient pricing mechanism. They see the voice of the market which aggregates action/choice as being critical to the overall functioning of the economy. A support for Free Enterprise is a natural consequence of this line of thinking.

Government intervention all too often negatively impacts this feedback mechanism introducing barriers and obstacles that produce unnecessary turbulence that disrupts the self correcting mechanism.

Having said this most authentic liberals do see a role for government in protecting individual rights and safeguarding private property. Opinions differ with the respect to the extent of the government role with those taking the most minimalist position generally falling under the anarcho-capitalist label.

The German Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union. Was it successful?

(Answered my me on Quora)

Initially it was very successful. However as 1941 progressed it spread itself too thin and could not reach Moscow in a timely manner when faced with a restocked Red Army and a bitter winter. In terms of territory though the Germans in 1941 captured more ground than they did in Poland in 1939 or France in 1940. However the Soviet Union was a different beast. They had ample territory to play the low black and were well aware of the stretched capability of the German’s supply runs.

Having said that several figures in the German elite (including Hitler) did underestimate the Soviets likening their enemies fighting ability to a house of ill construction that would cave in with limited thrust. History would torch this belief.

The Mathematical model for Special Relativity in a nutshell

 Special Relativity is predicated on two postulates.

  1. All uniform motion is relative and the laws of physics apply equally to all frames of reference.
  2. The speed of light is c in a vacuum across all frames of reference.

The necessity of these two paradigms forces a relaxation of absolute time, space, momentum, kinetic energy and simultaneity.

Time Dilation can be understood by a pythagorean analysis of vectors that produces a relation whereby proper time is a multiplied by the Lorentz Factor to obtain relativistic time.

The former is determined by an observer who is at rest relative to the event. The latter sees the event occurring in different places in space.

Relativistic time will always be greater than or equal to measured times with the discrepancy between the two becoming more extreme as velocity tends to c (speed of light).