Friday, March 15, 2024

15 Ways that Media corrupts distorts public perception and shackles the truth - Decline #2

1. It sentationalizes events that have gut appeal to the population. Outrage is cultivated.

2.  The Narrative is favoured over the facts. Media blurs the distinction between the two in favour of the former.

3. It reports on partisan lines with deliberate recourse to confirmation bias. Inconvenient details and context are downplayed.

4. It misleads the reader with headings that don't reflect the essence of the story. Many people very rarely read past the headings so that obfuscation predominates.

5. It uses visual imagery (decontextualized) selectively. This resonates with many people.A picture is worth a 1000 words or so they say.

6. In a rush to publish first inaccuracy is sacrificed to swifness of scoop. Apologies for errors arrive much later after the damage has been done.

7. It plays loosely with the term 'expert' to give credence to its intended narrative.This creates the necessary Echo Chamber.

8. Statistics presented often lack nuance and the assumptions that they are predicated on are conveniently sidelined.

9. It grants far too much air time to celebrity opinion that is not relevant to the issue at hand but drives up clicks and likes.

10. It promotes logical fallacies eg. If x people agree on a point compared to y people and x is greater than y than x must be correct. The Truth is not a popularity contest.

11. It creates false dichotomies of victim v victimizer as this has a visceral impact for so many.

12. Much media reporting reporting is not original but is based on rechurned reports. This inevitably distorts the details. 

13. Social media algorithms and search engine priorities favours certain media outlets over others. Thereby biasing the feed stream. Shadow banning and full on cancellation further augments perceptions.

14. Media embedded in nations that have limited freedom of speech often self censure their reports. Thereby weakening our understanding of what really is happening.

15. Media News rooms have an overhelming partisan bias. In the West this largely leans toward the globalist left and drives the narrative.

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