Tuesday, March 12, 2024

13 Ways that Modern Education is failing in the West - Decline #1

 1. Decline of rigour in favour of 'kindness' driven education. You need both but the balance has shifted away from the former. Students should not be pushed through a course to make them feel better or improve school statistics.

2. Destreaming of subjects. This results in an overall lowering of standards. Excellence at the high end is being shortshifted.

3. Political Ideology finding its way in the classroom. Most of this is of the Green/Red/Wokeist type. However any ideology (regardless of Axis position) should not be promoted to a captive audience.

4. Grade Inflation.

5. An increasing emphasis on project based assignments that can be easily compromised using plagarism and artificial intelligence adjuncts.

6. Teachers Union protecting teachers whose job performamce is far from optimum.

7. Growing administration budgets at the school boards that create endless micro-managing and wasteful interference.

8. Lack of consistent standards by schools in the absence of standardized testing.

9. Political initiatives that treat students differently based on their ethnicity. This is anti-Liberal and fosters resentment.

10. A declining numbers of  male teachers and role models in the school system. Boys are ideed falling behind.

11. Down grading of the history of Western Civilization (plus the classics) in school curricula. This results in a lack of awareness of the giants who shoulders we stand on.

12. Too much emphasis on technology as a fix-it-all for various problems.

13. Lack of discipline and consequence for bad behavior.

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