Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Madness that is the Media

The mainstream media in the contemporary isn’t leftist in the old sense of the word however it does have a distinct bias in favour of international globalism.  This of course reflects the will of the power elites that control the papers. Differences of opinion exist but these are carefully controlled to ensure managed dissent between ever shrinking boundaries.

Noam Chomsky regularly misses the mark on political specifics elsewhere but he is correct about two important aspects – the insanity of post-modernism and the way the media ‘manufactures consent’. The former is a topic for another answer the latter is pertinent to this query.

Distilled to its essence the corporate medias principal function is to reinforce a narrative. Education is a mere after thought.  Through repetition the media entities inundates the milieu with a message that reinforces a broader consensus that aligns with the vision of its ownership.  The cultivation of an echo chamber is its raison d‘etre and in this regard it is unapologetic.

If internationalism,  and by extension interventionism, is the critical focal point then one can be sure that the necessary drums touting such action will be heralded .

Positions to the contrary will be marginalized. Today these same drums reverberate to the tune of policies that seek looser border restrictions, the off shoring of wealth and a Post-Westphalian order that does away with the pesky stumbling block of the nation state. The new citizen must be global and by necessity eschew all nationalism.

A radical transformation of the ethos and value system of the culture sits front and center. It is of prime importance. Media outlets advance the methodology by highlighting identity politics, outrage culture and various hysteria/crises that together take aim at the institutions of the country and its foundational bedrock. Nothing happens without purpose.

In doing so it seeks to change the perception of the voting population thereby sweeping clean a pathway for  the emerging  paradigm. Ideas deemed to be of worth are selected, stressed and reinforced while others are tossed aside or damned. Within time the views of the Übermensch will be parroted by those that are too punch-drunk to think otherwise. The role of the media is to make sure that this happens sooner than later.

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