Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Bring on the Clowns

The US economy is struggling. The debt is skyrocketing. Covid-19 deaths have sat around the 2000-3000 mark per day since the Biden inauguration. Governors in California, New York and elsewhere are being attacked for their incompetence in the face of the pandemic (not to mention their disdain for civil rights). Far Left rioting has not dissipated and divisive race politics loom larger than ever before.
Many Kids have been out of school for far too long with no signs of a return to in-person education likely to return for some time. You have an aging President, who appears to be barely in control of his faculties, governing by Executive Order in a way that would make the Founding Fathers have convulsions. The media obliges his whims by feeding him soft ball questions.
Freedom of Speech is under threat with Big Tech acting as a political arm as the same loathsome players who put together and managed the surveillance state return to office. China and Iran are flexing their muscles in predictable fashion. Meanwhile toxic national divisions have widened with a huge proportion of the population believing that this election was stolen. Calls for unity ring hollow as actions indicate otherwise.
So why not spend more time on a circus trial against a former POTUS that will likely go nowhere thereby furthering the divide and achieving absolutely nothing?
Just goes to show how much disdain the establishment has for the American people.

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