Friday, August 31, 2018

Why have Politics and Religion caused such serious upheaval throughout history?

Answered on Quora

Politics is just the power ‘game’ we employ around scarce resources and the opportunity to access those resources. Religion is an ideological framework that we operate through to navigate our angst and find like support in this inherent competitiveness. We tend to think of the word ‘religion’ in light of the formal theisms but any devotion to a transcendent cause is for all intent of purpose a religion. It’s why the devotees of Marxist-Leninism or National Socialism are in a sense religious zealots.
The big problem is that human nature has not changed and is very much unlikely to do so in the future. The same struggles and fears that gripped the ancients are still with us today as they appear to dominate our collective conscious, This is one of the reasons why a study of the classics is so pertinent.

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