Saturday, January 20, 2018

Western History 69: What was the Hundred Years War?

The Hundred Year's War is a term used to describe the conflict between the English House of Plantagenet and the French House of Valois to control of France. The war lasted between 1337 and 1453 and can be roughly divided into three phases - Edwardian War (1337-1360), the Caroline War (1363-c. 1380) and the Lancastrian War (c. 1410-1453).

Key Events of the War

1337 - the relationship between the two houses worsen when Philippe VI of France declares that the Duchy of Guyenne is forfeited to him by Edward III of England as the latter is accused of harbouring Robert D'Artois (an opponent of the French regime). Edward replies with a letter of Defiance.

1340 - English invade France. Defeat French fleet at Sluys.

1345-1347- English win the Battle of Crécy and capture Calais.

1350 - Death of Philippe. He is succeeded by Jean II.

1355-1357 - English campaigns in Southern France, Victory at the Battle of Poitiers. Jean II captured.

1359-1360 - Edward III launches Great Campaign in France but fails to take Paris. French king released from captivity in 1360.

1360 - Treaty of Bretigny ends First Phase of the War.

1362 - English soldiers ravage French countryside. Aquitaine established as a principality to be ruled by Edward III's son the 'Black Prince' Edward of Woodstock.

1364 - Civil War in France.  Charles V fights Charles of Navarre. The former will truimph at the Battle of Chocerel.

1369-1373 - Fighting between English and French breaks out again. French win a key battle at Pontvallain. French win back some towns in Guyenne lost to English using tactics of ambushes and night raids.

1377 - Death of Edward III.  Succeeded by Richard II. French raid English coast,.French victory at Eymet.

1378 -1417 - Great Schism dominates Western Church Politics.

1399 - Richard II overthrown by Henry Bolingbroke the son of John of Gaunt.

1402- French aid Scots in invading England.

1405 - French assist Owen Glendower's Welsh rebellion against England.

1407 - France in a state of Civil War. House of Burgundy vs House of Orleans. Both seek English aid.

1415 - Henry V succeeds his father Henry IV. Invades France and defeats the French at the Battle of Agincourt.

1416 - 1420 - Henry V captures Normandy. Forms alliance with Burgundians. Defeats French-Scottish troops at Fresnay

1420 Henry V  forces the French King Charles  VI to make him king upon the death of the French Monarch.

1422 - Death of Henry V prematurely. English under John Duke of Bedord (Henry's brother and regent to Henry's ten month old son Henry VI) wages war in the interests of his nephew.

1422-1426 -  English win battles at Cravant, Verneuil and Avranches.

1427 - French victory at Montargis.

1428- 1429 Siege of Orleans. The Siege will be broken by the forces of  Jeanne d'Arc and the constable de Richemont. Charles VII crowned king of France.

1430 - Jeanne d'Arc captured by the English and burnt at the stake.

1435 - Treaty of Arras establishes peace between Charles VII and the House of Burgundy.

1436 -1441- French recover Paris, Creil and Contlans. 

1444 - Hostilities with England suspended as a result of the Truce of Tours.

1449 - Fighting erupts between France and England. Charles V will retake Normandy by 1450.

1453 - French canon and handgun fire secures a victory at the Battle of Castillon. End of the War. All English possessions in France lost except for Calais.

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