Sunday, February 23, 2025

Reflections XXI - Racing through my mind

Every society requires a reboot. This is especially true if its fundamentals have been eroded beyond recognition. The United States in 2025 was primed for such energy. Contemporary Europe was still debating whether it had any life to reboot at all.

 Academia is in a constant battle between the majority who play loosely with the facts and those brave souls who prioritize the truth above all else.

 The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was a chance for Moscow to play her final hand and prove to the world that she was still a master of the war of attrition. Sunken costs rarely bothered the Kremlin.

There are givers and takers in geopolitics and no taker has grasped the opportunity so well as did the Chinese with its much favoured nation status. The US was completely outmaneuvered.

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