Sunday, December 22, 2024

Reflections XIV - Deciphering Pathos

The more physics tries to ignore the logic of a first uncaused cause the greater the risk of it tying itself down in messy theories that are not cohesive and require paradoxically even greater leaps of faith.

 The problem with Canada is that in trying to be something to everybody it has become a nothing to all. If you dilute an essence you eventually kill it.

 Cultures die when economics is placed in the forefront of history for economics is a by product of cultural development not its driver. One of the many evils of Marxism is that it intellectually entrenched the latter in academia.

The problem with the French is that they are too stubborn a people. They have yet to wake up and realize that France has been irrelevant for over a century.

Humanity constantly builds Byzantine networks to justify the worst of its ideas

 Judging progress by patent number merely reinforces the misconception that quantity triumphs over quality.

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