Friday, September 2, 2022

How Democracy dies...

 Signs of the emerging totalitarian state.

1. Fusion of the media and the party elite
2. Takeover of supposedly non-Partisan Institutions
3. De-platforming of alternative views
4. War against critical thought
5. Corruption of the Science
6. Growth of the surveillance state
7. Replacement of the family by the State
8. Narrative set as truth
9. Transformation of the language to suit new goals.
10. Over-zealous use of security as an excuse for state intrusion. Action to avert false flag insurrections.
11. Projection of totalitarian desires onto opponents
12. Deliberate weakening of the education system in the name of nebulous goals of betterment. Ideological manipulation of the curriculum.
13. Emphasis on Equality of Outcome over Opportunity.
14. Disregard for human life.
15. Forced stratification of class
16. Increasing double standards
17. Binary division – With me or against me?
18. Constant culture of pathogenic fear
19. Forced dependence economically on the state
20. Attacks on the independent Judiciary
21. Promotion of cultural apathy.
22. Purging of the military brass.
23. Inverted moralism
24. Interference in the personal banking system.
25. More bread and circuses for the populace.

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