Thursday, May 26, 2022

Is the Western elite losing the support of the Common People?

 (My answer)

The elites, who traditionally dominate the major parties in most Western nations appear to be losing their grip on the power structure within their respective political domains. What you are seeing now is not necessarily a new phenomenon but an expedite of the ‘disillusionment-with-the-establishment’ process that goes back to WWI.

It makes sense. The elites were chosen to be stewards of the economy and guardians of the nation state. They were elected to protect our rights. Their first priority was supposed to be that of the electorate. In this regard they appear to be failing - economies have been mismanaged, manufacturing sectors gutted, privacy rights infringed, and cultural traditions compromised in the wake of falling education standards, a deleterious lockdown and crumbling institutions. Elite loyalties seem to reside with globalist orthodoxies setting the stage for the emergence of a statist/corporatist bureaucracy that views the unwashed as ‘items’to be managed by the deliberate control of information.

The elites have starved the system of oxygen and may finally be paying the price. Its about time.

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