Monday, April 4, 2022

Do you think Putin's chilling warning to Russian 'traitors' and 'scum' is a sign things aren't going to plan?

(My answer in Quora)

It is certainly something out of the Communist Party playbook .

In 1937 (during the Stalinist Purges) a letter was sent by General George Yakir to the Soviet leadership begging for the safety of his family. Yakir was awaiting execution on trumped up charges.

The letter was published by the Soviet Government in 1961. Four comments were written on it. Look at the similarity of the language to Putin’s recent statements. The dehumanization is obvious.

Stalin: ‘Yakir, trash and traitor.’

Voroshilov: ‘ An exact description’

Molotov: ‘Entire agreement with Stalin.’

Kaganovich: ‘A traitor, a pig.’

Yes. I think it is fair to say that the situation is not going to plan (although it does not mean that the Russians are necessarily losing). The same lines of paranoia that impacted Stalin have come home to roost again. What is even more ominous is that life will look to rapidly deteriorate not just for the Ukrainians but for the Russians as well.

In Putin’s worldview you are either with him or against him. Very little room for a middle ground.

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