Sunday, February 20, 2022

Why did Wilson create a powerless League of Nations?

 (My answer on Quora)

Woodrow Wilson saw the League of Nations as a body that would settle disputes and conflicts between nations. However the United States never joined the League of Nations as his motion to join was not ratified in the senate.

Key figures in congress were concerned about the US losing political sovereignty and being forced into the role of global cop by the doctrine of collective security. These concerns were legitimate. the prospect of endless war is not to be taken lightly.

However the failure of the League of Nations itself was not Wilson’s fault. The League was doomed to begin with as it lacked teeth. It was also extremely biased in favour of the victors of WWI viz. Britain and France.

Both of these Western powers lacked the wherewithal to back up collective action directed against third party aggressive states as the appetite for military action in light of WWI, did not enjoy popular support on the home fronts.

This reduced the menu of possibilities to that of sanctions and other types of trade warfare, that could be easily flouted by unscrupulous parties who saw a great business opportunity if ever there was one.

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