Saturday, January 22, 2022

Thoughts on a Winter Day I

The march toward tyranny will be a pleasant experience for many as the burden of freedom can indeed be harsh for the captive mind.

Democratic tyrants need not pass active restrictions they merely have to create the illusion that individual action is self defeating.

To sell a lie effectively (as do the elites) it is vital that one picks more credible liars.

The state of a democracy is a function of the integrity of its institutions. These degrade with the inherent march towards politicization.

No scientific result has any meaning unless one is familiar with the basic assumptions that precede data collection and analysis.

Sacrificing an uncomfortable empirical reality to the beauty of a mathematical model may be the greatest tragedy of all of science.

Never underestimate a person’s resolve to defend a wrong but popular paradigm.

The truth is that the vast swathe of humanity is merely along for the ride.

One need not verify an official lie if you have the power to isolate those who tell the truth.

Any political philosophy that can be misinterpreted will be misinterpreted.

One can always re-brand the same bad idea repeatedly to a population if you choose your words carefully and expand the fog of history.

In our rush to alleviate the struggle we tend to magnify the suffering.

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