Monday, August 30, 2021

Why did Benazir Bhutto not win a Nobel Peace Prize?

 (My answer in Quora).

She probably would have won but her premature death in a terrorist attack in 2007 put an end to that likelihood.

Having said that her legacy was rather mixed. Bhutto’s reforms in Pakistan were largely blocked by hardcore opposition. There were strong allegations of corruption in her government (her husband being one noteworthy offender) and she failed to limit the traditional power of the military.

She enjoyed reverence in the west for championing Women’s Rights but she struggled to make the necessary headway against the chronic corruption that has infected the country since its birth in 1947.

However Nobel Peace Prize standards are not very high and Bhutto had a mastery of the usual globalist bromides. Yasser Arafat won by feigning ‘niceness’. Barack Obama wooed the Oslo elite with the necessary platitudes (and not much else) so it is indeed conceivable that Bhutto had a lock on the award as well.

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