Sunday, June 6, 2021

Why is Joe Biden questioning China about the origins of Covid-19?

 (Asked on Quora). My reply.

The better question is why has it taken this long? According to the latest figures over 3.7 million people worldwide have died as a a result of the pathogen which in addition to its mortality impact has has caused tremendous damage to the world economy.

Yet we appear to be no closer to identifying its ‘wild’ origin than we were 18 months ago (this wasn’t the case with SARS or MERS) . What we do know is that the virus originated in China in a city well known for housing a center for disease research. The CCP also has a poor reputation for honesty and has not been forthright as the disease has progressed. This line of questioning may or may not bring fruit but only a pure apologist for Beijing will admit that it is not worth following.

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