Saturday, January 9, 2021

Why do establishment/corporate Democrats seem to fight harder against their own progressive base than the Republicans? Is the Democratic party even liberal regarding economic policy?

 (Asked on Quora. My Answer).

You are correct in noting that the powers that control the Democratic Party are largely corporate and indeed Internationalist in outlook (look at Joe Biden’s cabinet appointees). It is the party of Big Tech/Silicon Valley and global finance. However it cannot win elections unless it has a voting base.

This is the purpose of race/gender Identity politics and the myriad of promises to progressive voices (cancelling student debt, universal healthcare etc) that become all the more apparent in election years before receding into the background in the interim. Albeit with a few bones thrown here and there.

The Establishment has been playing the bait and switch for some time now and the faithful have bought into a narrative, fostered by a compliant media that demonizes any alternative. This perpetuates the cycle and it works where it counts……at the ballot box.

So to answer your question…Why does the Democratic Party push back harder against their base than the GOP? They are simply better at it and are more capable of leveraging the necessary levers of power to ensure their hegemony where it counts.

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