Friday, July 3, 2020

The Insanity accelerates

The evidence of decline are all around us and it sickens me. How did it get like that? What kind of a society are we living in where it is considered an act of verbal violence to even express solidarity for the full sanctity of human life. The message of MLK is now a hate statement. A narrative is being forced and if we deviate from the script we risk bearing the brunt of a toxic backlash that will degenerate rapidly into the realm of the personal. Values matter and the radicals want us to confirm that blue is red, that doubling two is equal to five and that what we once deemed as right is now wrong.
When did it become okay to destroy private property? Deface monuments? Rewrite history? Torch our nation’s symbols and then cynically hide behind a nebulous definition of justice? This is not liberalism. It isn’t even an act of societal goodness.  Who are they helping other than themselves? It hurts those that are the most vulnerable and it further divides the people.  The will of the irrational is dictating the body politic.
Yet our leaders remain silent and when they do voice disapproval of the insanity they do not match this up with necessary action. Their weakness will be civilization’s undoing. The stakes are high and those that we have elected to safeguard the rule of law have let us down.
What a dangerous time this is. Our forefathers defeated National Socialism and stared down Marxist tyranny, they fought a vital war to end the evil of slavery and for what? To surrender it all to a new revolution that is intolerant as it is hateful, that breeds violence at all junctions and is deceitful in its twisting of the empirical as it is in the mismanagement of truth.

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