Sunday, June 21, 2020

Western History 129: What were the Causes of the French Revolution?

1. Bankruptcy of the State as a result of expensive wars - Seven Years War and the American Revolution. France is drowning in Debt.

2. Growth of the Enlightenment tradition that is critical of both the Absolute Monarchy and the Church. Enlightenment ideas are advocated by notable philosophers - Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (of the Social Contract fame), Baron De Montesquieu (who favoured an English style Liberal Constitutional Democracy) and Denis Dideot  (chief editor of the monumental compendium of knowledge known as the Encyclopédie). Liberal ideas also entered France from the American Revolution.

3. Inefficient tax system that favours the aristocracy. Tax burden on Third Estate (Commoners) is extremely high. Second Estate (Nobles) and First Estate (Church) resist tax reforms Need for just tax system. Great social and judicial inequality between the Estates with the Third Estate suffering immensely.

4. Social Clash between the upwardly mobile bourgeoisie (still part of Third Estate) and the Aristocracy. Bourgeoisie have their own needs and demands.

Essentials 1: Causes of the French Revolution


5. Political Incompetence of the monarch Louis XVI. King faces opposition from Provincal Parlements .

6. Food shortages caused by bad harvests. Failure of economic elite to adequately address this issue

The cause in one cartoon Source:

The Causes of the French Revolution: Social, Economical, Political ...

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