Sunday, May 26, 2019

Teachers: What is the worst mistake you made your first year teaching?

Asked on Quora.

My answer.

Yelling at a class. This is never a good idea. However almost new teachers at one point or another often feels compelled to do so. Having a difficult class certainly feeds into the impulse. I did so on several occasions in year one. Instantly regretted it each time and have not, in my sixteen years of teaching since then, ever done it again. I am a far better teacher for my decision to avoid such action.
The problem with yelling are all too obvious upon further reflection. While you may have an immediate response that appears favorable
  • You lose all credibility with the class in the long run
  • It never makes you feel better
  • There are far better methods of classroom management
  • It is the antithesis of the kind of behavior that you wish to ultimately cultivate with your students.

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