Sunday, May 27, 2018

20 Points to Ponder when analyzing News, Commentary or Reported Information

1. What is the bias of the source?
2. What is the bias of the writer (not necessarily the same as the publication)?
3. Why do I believe this to be true or false?
4. What are the assumptions behind the article?
5. What is the article saying?
6. What is the article not saying?
7. Do sources provide a clear path to the primary source?
8. Have quotes been deliberately decontextualized?
9.How does my Confirmation bias play into my appreciation of the article?
10. If I am rejecting the analysis...could I be in a state of cognitive dissonance?
11. Are sources circular ie. a references b which in turn references a?
12. How much of the report is wishful thinking?
13. Is the author making the necessary distinction between 'some' and 'all'?
14. How can this piece of writing be misinterpreted?
15. Are there any obvious logical fallacies in the reasoning?
16. How strong is the appeal to emotion?
17. What are the basic premises of the article?
18. Do the premises justify the conclusion?
19. Could it be otherwise interpreted?
20. What is the overall purpose of this article?

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