1. Who coined the term the ‘Big Bang’?
2. In which field of Physics would you find the names of the following individuals: Weber, Gauss, and Tesla?
3. Which American was the Great Champion of Direct Current?
4. In Newton’s Law of Gravitaion, what is the relationship between the force of gravity and the distance between objects?
5. Who discovered the neutron?
6. For what work did Albert Einstein win his Nobel Prize in Physics?
7. Which Scottish Mathematician devised equations for Electromagnetic Radiation?
8. Which Scientist first determined the size of the Universal Gravitation Constant?
9. In which field would you speak of Balmer and Lyman Lines?
10. Who was the first to compare the reflection of light with that of sound waves?
11. Who, in witnessing a supernova, argued that the heavens are not changeless?
12. Which nearby galaxy was described by the Astronomer Al Razi?
13. Which optics invention did Roger Bacon focus on?
14. Newton’s First Law of Motion defines a certain property of matter. What is it?
15. What type of particle accelerator was invented by Ernest Lawrence in 1929?
Answers to History of Physics I
1. Fred Hoyle.
2. Electromagnetism
3. Thomas Edison.
4. The force of gravity varies inversely with respect to the square of the distance between the objects.
5. James Chadwick.
6. The Photoelectric Effect.
7. James Clerk Maxwell.
8. Henry Cavendish.
9. Spectroscopy
10. Leonardo Da Vinci.
11. Tycho Brahe.
12. The Andromeda Galaxy.
13. The Magnifying Lens.
14. Inertia – resistance to acceleration.
15. The cyclotron.