Saturday, October 14, 2017

Personal Reflection X - The Commonality between the Alt Right and Alt Left

This is based on an answer I gave in Quora.

Having read considerably about each. Here is my take on the commonalities.
  1. A rejection of the Mainstream medium narrative when it suits them.
  2. The driving force of alienation
  3. Focus on Grievance Politics
  4. A general disdain for liberal democracy
  5. Emphasis on Identity Politics
  6. Effective use of the Internet as a means to promote the ideology
  7. Absolute loathing of the other
  8. Preference for Protectionist Economics
  9. Reliance on Alternative News
  10. Strong undercurrents of antisemitism
  11. Presence of a violent element
  12. Utopic view of what ought to be
  13. Presence of a significant number of mentally unhinged individuals within the rank-and-file
  14. A notable hostility towards Scientific Rationalism
  15. Insistence on seeing themselves as victims.

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